Homegrown Vocations

SJV parishioner and St. John Paul II alumni, sister Alexia Maria Saldivar, was featured on the back cover of  the March issue of  Columbia Magazine, the monthly publication of the Knights of Columbus. Click here to view this entire issue. Here is an excerpt of Alexia’s testimony:

During middle school, people often asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. The Holy Spirit gave me the grace to ask a more fundamental question: “Who do I want to be?” I realized that I simply wanted to be as joyful and free as my religion teacher. One day, I worked the courage to ask her, “What makes you so happy?” Her response transformed my life: “My relationship with the Lord,” she said. “He wants to be your friend, too.”

Please continue to pray for more priestly and religious vocations specially from our parish of St. John Vianney.