Jeff Cavins LIVE

SJV parishioners were blessed to host Jeff Cavins the first weekend of October for his presentation “Walking toward Eternity: Learning to Walk the Walk”. On Friday night, Jeff challenged attendees with “Living the Life that You Don’t Have Time For” in which he explained how Jesus is the answer to the complexity of our modern lives. He asked those present to reflect upon how much time we spend with God and His Word.
On Saturday, Jeff further explained how God created us with a desire only He can satisfy. He then spent the day explaining how we might respond to and satisfy this desire with the four pillars of the Church, Lectio Divina (an ancient method of reading Scripture), and the Ignatian tradition of the Examen prayer. Whether these practices were new to the attendees or not, Jeff Cavins reinforced their helpfulness in our journey home to God.
Throughout his presentations, Jeff Cavins encouraged us to spend time with God in order to make good choices and be faithful in every aspect, big and small, so that we can find true peace and happiness. For many who have only experienced Jeff in the classroom recordings, what a blessing it was to experience Jeff’s wit and wisdom up close and personal!

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