Challenges Ahead

Dear Friends in Christ,

Blessed be God forever!

Last month I informed you that with the cancellation of the bazaar and the other impacts of the pandemic, St. John Vianney parish is currently looking at a shortfall of more than $500,000 in income.  These are challenging and difficult times for all of us.  Some of our parishioners are out of work and others in our community are in serious need.  While we indeed have our needs at the parish, we are not suffering as some.  That being said, I am asking those who are able and have not already done so, to please consider assisting our parish during this time.

How can you help?

  1. Pray. First and foremost, please pray for our parish and all of our parishioners. Please pray for those who have not been able to attend Mass in months.  Pray for those who are sick or caring for a loved one who is. Pray for those who are struggling financially, especially the unemployed.  Pray for those struggling emotionally or spiritually.  Please pray for our parish staff.  Pray for an increase of vocations to the priesthood and religious life, especially in our archdiocese and from St. John Vianney Parish.
  2. DSF (Diocesan Services Fund). We are currently $75,000 shy of our mandatory goal of $430,000. If you have not made a pledge to DSF, please consider doing so.  The number of DSF donors is significantly down this year for understandable reasons. To make a gift or pledge to DSF please contact the parish office.
  3. Bazaar/SJV Charities. Our annual parish bazaar raises more than $300,000 for our SJV Charities. These funds are then given away in the form of gifts and grants to help support and aid others outside our parish. These funds aid in Catholic education, housing, healthcare, evangelization, protection of the unborn, food and emergency assistance. If you would like to help by making a donation, you may mail your financial gift to the parish or make an electronic donation.  For more information contact our parish offices or refer to our webpage.
  4. Faithful Stewardship. The mission and the ministries of the parish are continuing even during these challenging times. With fewer people coming to Mass due to the pandemic, our regular offertory is down. We have cut our budget and eliminated non-essential spending. Financial stewardship is part of Christian discipleship.  Your regular stewardship is essential and needed.  You may give electronically, by mail or by dropping your offertory gift in the baskets at the end of Mass (there is no collection during Mass).  I would like to ask you to consider electronic giving.  It is easy and safe and there are several different options available.  For more information look at our webpage or call the parish office. 
  5. Year End Giving. End of the year charitable donations are always important, but especially this year. As part of the CARES ACT passed by the federal government in response to the COVID crisis, there are higher levels of tax benefits and incentives for charitable giving for 2020. Up to 100% of cash donations to charity are deductible. There are also tax benefits for I.R.A. charitable contributions.  Gifts of cash and appreciated stock are also tax-deductible.  For more information, please go to our web page, contact our parish office or your financial advisor.
  6. Give thanks to God. Our parish is greatly blessed in countless ways. Please continue to thank God for the many graces and blessings we enjoy each day.