Youth Faith Formation

K - 12 Youth Faith Formation

Please contact the Youth Formation office to register or to inquire about an outstanding balance. You may use the payment form to pay the fee for the entire Faith Formation year. Click on the button above to submit your payment for the 2024 – 2025 Faith Formation year.

Note: Registration for Sacrament Preparation (First Communion, Confirmation, and RCIA for Children) is a separate process and ministry. Please contact the Youth Formation office (281) 497.6665 or for more information.

Grades K- 12 Calendar

Youth Faith Formation (CCE) calendar for children and teens

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Pre-K(4+) Large Group

Pre-K Calendar

Youth Faith Formation (CCE) calendar for pre-k children

The Large Group will meet once a month on Sundays at 9:30am or 11:00 am. Child must be 4 years old by September 1, 2024. At least one parent or designated adult (18+ years old) must attend the large group session with the child. It does not have to be the same adult each time. Siblings less than 6 months may attend with parent(s).  Siblings 6 months to 3 years are to go to the Nursery, and older siblings should be registered for the same Faith Formation session time. For questions, email Anabel Acosta at

Upcoming Dates

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