Panhandler Security

Be Safe!

An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure!
Sadly, not everyone who comes to church comes to worship. Please always be attentive when on the church campus. Please do not leave valuables exposed in your car. Always lock your car. When in the church, do not leave your purse or other valuables in the pew when you come to communion. We have not had any problems, thank the Lord, but we do not want to tempt anyone who may come to do unholy things.

Periodically, there are people who show up to panhandle on our campus. They are not looking for real help but are playing on people’s sympathies. If approached, PLEASE NEVER GIVE THEM ANY MONEY. Instead, direct them to our Social Services Ministries. We want to help people. We help thousands of people in need every year. Giving money to panhandlers is not helping. If you see someone panhandling on the campus on the weekend, please immediately inform our security officers or an usher. During the week, please report them to our office.