There is A Place for You!

This weekend we are having our Ministry Fair in the Activity Center following the morning masses. You will see tables, displays and representatives from many of our parish ministries, apostolates and organizations. There is a twofold purpose in the Ministry Fair. We hope that the Fair will be both informative and inspirational. The tables are set up so you can learn and become aware of the many ministries and opportunities for service, prayer, and community in the parish. You will be able to meet and talk with fellow parishioners involved in the various ministries of our parish. We also hope that you will be inspired to join and participate in one or more of these groups.

As Christians, we are called to action. Jesus has given us a mission to change the world! As a parish, we are called to serve God, one another, and those outside of our parish. When you visit and explore the various groups and ministries of the parish you will learn how we are doing that here at St. John Vianney. We have thousands of parishioners already involved in ministry and there is still plenty of room to grow. I do not know of any particular group or ministry in the parish that says they are full and no one else can fit in!

Another aspect of the ministries and organizations is the fulfillment and joy that it brings to those involved. Many of the ministries offer opportunities for enrichment, connection, and enjoyment. They offer opportunities to build the bonds of community. When one looks at our parish and the wide variety of activities we have, it is truly amazing. There are bible studies, pilgrimages, home building missions, altar servers, singing in the choir and teaching religious education, working in Joseph’s Coat, going to That Man Is You!, Young Adults, Bridge Club, married couples groups, ministry to the sick and Eucharistic Adoration. There are ministries and groups for men and women, young and old, families and singles and almost any combination you can think of. In other words, there is a place for you!

Our parish ministries are built around the description of the early Church in the Acts of the Apostles:

“They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the communal life, the breaking of the bread and prayer.” (Acts 2:42).

You will find our ministries, groups and apostolates are rooted in these four pillars. Formation and Education, Community and Social Life, The Eucharist and Liturgy and the Spiritual Life. It is this understanding that guides and allows us to have everything from parish outings to Astros games and the Nutcracker Market, assisting families with funeral preparations and visiting the sick and homebound. We also help people learn English as a second language and assist pregnant mothers. From praying together with other married couples to having faith sharing with new friends. Each activity and group is focused not just to help others but also to help us grow in our faith and strengthen the bonds of communion and friendship.

The world is slowly trying to come out of the isolation and fear resulting from the pandemic. Now more than ever, each of us needs to connect with God and with others. It is not going to happen immediately or magically. It takes effort and courage, trust, and desire. As we transition into recovery mode, the effects of the shutdowns, isolation and fear are going to have a lasting impact. We are blessed with a wonderful parish community, and we all need the strength that comes from faith and community. Come and visit the Ministry Fair.