Will you Serve?

Dear friends in Christ:

First, a word of thanks to everyone for continuing to handle the construction with such patience, grace and understanding. There is only a little left to go, so we keep praying and thanking the Lord for this opportunity to build something beautiful to give Him glory! The last two major items are progressing along: the bells and the organ. Although we had a problem with one of the subcontractors falling behind with the fabricating of the rack for the bells, we were able to move the work from Ohio to Texas and it is now being completed with the installation to take place in the coming weeks. Once the bells are installed there will be some additional work to do before they are ready to ring. We hope to inaugurate the bells in a special way in the weeks ahead. Likewise, there was a hold up with the organ. This is very specialized work and there are only a limited number of skilled craftsmen and artisans. Due to illnesses and deaths the work on our organ fell several months behind schedule. The estimated time of completion is now August. It was originally scheduled for March. Please continue to keep these wonderful projects in your prayers.
As summer is here, just a couple of gentle reminders concerning mass attendance and attire. First, please remember that there is no vacation from loving God and praising him for his goodness by attending Holy Mass. We rightly take well deserved breaks from work and school. However, as the Lord never ceases to love us and bless us, we should praise the Lord always without ceasing. That means Mass EVERY Sunday and Holy Day! Failure to attend Sunday Mass is a sin against God and a violation of the Third Commandment. In the same vein, we show our respect to the Lord and to one another by our attire. Shorts are great for hot Houston weather when we are jogging, gardening, playing ball or other activities. However, shorts, flip flops, athletic clothes, immodest or revealing attire is wholly inappropriate for church. Just as one would not wear a tuxedo or an evening gown to a swim party, we don’t wear clothes that are “too” casual to church. Proper attire is a sign of dignity, respect and good manners.
With summer here and many people traveling, it shows how dependent our parish is on those who serve in our various ministries. While we are blessed with hundreds of parishioners serving in dozens of ministries, we still do not have enough to do all that needs to be done. In every ministry, but particularly in our liturgical ministries, we need more parishioners willing to serve. Will you? Some people have observed that we do not offer the Precious Blood at all of our masses. The reason is due to a lack of ministers. Others have commented that we have the same ushers every week and there are only a few people who serve as lectors. It is true. Will you serve? As we have come to the end of another school year, we are also aware of the tremendous contributions of those who serve as catechists and leaders in our Youth and Adult Formation programs. More people are needed here as well, to help serve the thousands who come to our parish to learn more about God, and to deepen their Catholic Faith. We need catechists, helpers, group leaders, and especially folks willing to assist in our Jr. High and High School programs.

Many hands make for light work. Where is God calling you to serve? Will you say “yes”?

Lastly, please do not forget about the Diocesan Services Fund (DSF). Due to the downturn in the Energy Industry over the last few years the number of contributing parish households has decreased significantly and we are behind. Cardinal DiNardo is counting on us. There are tens of thousands of our brothers and sisters in the Archdiocese who benefit from the programs supported by DSF. If you have not made your pledge yet, please consider doing so. The size of the gift is not important, being part of the giving is. A most sincere Thank You to all who have already generously responded.

In Pace Christi,

Fr. Troy Gately